1박2일 즐거운 여행다녀왔어요
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작성자 꼬꼬맘 작성일18-06-27 22:31 조회33,310회 댓글5건관련링크
링크 #1 | https://m.blog.naver.com/koko718/221307068174 |
친절하셔서 즐거운 여행이 되었네요
침구류 깨끗
조식도 있고요
1층 로비에 정수기 전자렌지 다 있어요
블로그에 후기도 올렸네요 ^^
ASDAS님의 댓글
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파라오카지노님의 댓글
파라오카지노 작성일
I’d like to add that the way you are responding and even opening the ideas up more in the comments section, keeps the thread going and may provide more ideas for a reader. Sometimes a post gets a few responses and just dies, frequently because everybody just wants to get their 2¢ in and they aren’t really taking in the whole conversation.
I’ve made efforts at this on my blog but not nearly enough, and I’ve never really thought it out quite this way. A definite print-and-keep posting.
파라오카지노님의 댓글
파라오카지노 작성일
I did an interview with Liz Strauss once and she offered some great advice about this. One was to not wrap up posts in a neat and tidy package the way your English teacher taught us.
The other is that if you’re creating a list, to offer the first few things that come to your mind, but not hunt for more things to add to the list. Instead, leave some stones unturned and let readers add to the discussion.
개츠비카지노님의 댓글
개츠비카지노 작성일
You reached your goal!